Friday, March 26, 2010

Day Five of Spring Break

I am starting to drive my mother bananas. Well, I've been working on it since last Friday, but have really upped my game in the last day or so.

Here's a for-instance. I just can't stop eating. I mean, I'm a growing boy -- I'm not even 8 years old yet, and I'm already 78 pounds and 4'6". I'm not fat by any means, and I'm likely to keep going till I'm 6'2" if you believe the doctor. Anyway, between that and the Abilify, I'm always hungry.

But I won't just ask my Mom for a bit to eat and sit down at a table. No, I've gotta pull out the crumbliest bit I can find, sniff it, drop the wrapper on the ground and then walk around the entire house dropping crumbs wherever I am.

And it's only 10:00 am.

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